The THOT-WARE Finder

THOT-WARE are PDF pages to assist you to “THINK ON PAPER!” (Research shows this is best, but do what works best for you.) 

Each THOT-WARE tool is displayed below with a brief description of its use. Clicking on it will take you to its own PDF Viewer with more info.

  • You can use them right on the screen with any blank paper you have.
  • Or (the best way,) you can print them out and write right directly on them.
    • You could also print your favorites and use them while still writing on your own blank paper.
  • You can punch holes in them and save them in a notebook.
  • Or stick them to a bulletin board
  • Or hang them on a clipboard.
  • Just do whatever works best for you.

You can each one by-

  • Scrolling down this page,
  • Or using the Menu dropdown above in the header,
  • Or you can use the THOT-WARE FINDER “Table of Contents” to the left. 

Any THOT-WARE can be used for any step to “F.A.C.E. your Problem,” but some are aimed at its specific steps. 

THOT-WARE is grouped by

  • FILL-INS (with THOT triggers)
  • PLANNING & TRACKING (for Actions or Events)
  • BLANKS (for free-thinking)
  • FUN (Paper games and such)  
If you wish to leave any comments about anything, please do it in the COMMENT section at the bottom of this page.



This is a one-page Problem Solver. It gives you the entire F.A.C.E. a Problem THOT Flow on a single THOT- WARE form.

Problem Focus

Focus on your problem by-

  • Putting it into words (or pictures)
  • Defining the details of what you don’t want
  • Defining the details of what you DO want- both facts and feelings
  • Pinpointing what changed that makes this your problem right now.


What is the Real (root) Cause?

What caused what?

You can go either direction or back and forth.


Helpful in finding the Real (root) Cause of a problem, as well as tracking a tournament playoff.


Use when Evaluating a situation or possible solution.

Under IF, make a list of every possible outcome.

Next, go back and guess the probability of each one happening and its probable impact.

Then answer each one with what you would do or could do if it does happen.


Mind Maps are a popular thinking tool in the world of thinkers; analyzing situations as well as coming up with ideas.

It’s a great way to observe the big picture. An actual Mind Map is done on a blank piece of paper.

This Mind-Like-Map is kind of like a Mind Map, but more structured.

The central topic goes into the center, sub-parts go one step out and its parts are listed.


The purpose of this THOT-WARE is to help you identify how you FEEL about a THING… or if you have a gnawing feeling, to help you identify the THING causing it.

It uses the EMOTIONs Map explained in the section on the Power of FEELING.

Rhyme Time

You’ll never know a time

when you’ll want to rhyme,

so here’s a list I found

of every English starting sound.



Use these keywords to trigger a lot of ideas.

Jot as many ideas as you can into the THOT SPACE. Spillover to the back or other blank pages.

Keep those neurons sparking. 


Idea Mixing

After identifying a few possible solutions, bounce them around your brain with the opposing trigger words listed below.

Evaluation in a Nutshell

This THOT-WARE lets you take some top solution ideas and lets you compare the PROs and CONs of each.


One Year Check Sheet

This THOT-WARE has one block for every day of a year.

It’s for thinking about an entire year.

Use it to layout your year to make plans.

Or to track something for a whole year.

Linear Month Calendar

This THOT-WARE is useful for laying out plans for a given month… or recording data.

Fill in the day with a single letter: M, T, W, T, F, S, S. (You’ll know which is which.)

Draw column lines if you need them.

Linear Day Calendar

This is one of my most used THOT-WARE. It’s useful for laying out plans for a little more than a month… or, of course, recording data.

You can start it at any time, and go for the next 39 days.

Each day is filled in with its number (and it goes without saying- you need to know how many days there are in each month.) 

The weekends stand out giving you a better perspective. 

Draw column lines if you need them.

Time Sheet by hour

Now for a single day. This THOT-WARE lets you plan or track for one single day.

Draw column lines if you need them for categories or for multiple days.

There’s plenty of THOT SPACE too.

Time Sheet by 30 minutes

Still for a single day, this THOT-WARE gives you half-hour time slices for more detailed planning or tracking.

Draw column lines if you need them for categories or for multiple days.

There’s plenty of THOT SPACE too.


Data Collection

This THOT-WARE is for data or THOT collection; for conditions listed across the top against down the side.

There is a space at each intersection.



This THOT-WARE is blank, except for dots.

It’s for creative thinking with only the dots to give reference points for drawing or writing.


This THOT-WARE is blank, except for the rules.

It’s for writing or making lists.

Just here if you want it.


This THOT-WARE is blank, except for the grid.

It’s for writing or drawing… or mixing writing with drawings.

Again, it’s just here if you want it.



This THOT-WARE gives you 16 boards for playing Tic-Tac-Toe.

Hopefully, you know how to play.


Would love your thoughts, please comment.x

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