Your Power of THOT

When you give thought to the world today and all its problems, add your own problems to that, don’t you want to say:

Well, if so, there’s a better way! Take your “THOUGHT,” strike out the “UGH,” and use THOT instead. 

“UGH” is Ugly, Glum, and Hopeless. Give it up.

When you give THOT to the world today, you see how really great we have it. Right now, the world is better than ever before. Compared to any time in history, we live in luxury. The Quality of Life we have today, our parents, at our age, would have THOT it science fiction. 

Human THOT has, and always will, keep improving our human condition.

Click for-

The world has advanced incredibly over the years, just counting the scientific and engineering breakthroughs: we now have better food, medicine, transportation, communications, entertainment, and everything else. Anything you can think about, we have more and better options today than was available just a generation ago.

As a whole, we have it better today than the richest man alive did less than fifty years ago.

And it’s not just things technology made better. Over the years, humanity keeps upping the game. Governments get better, and social justice becomes juster. Individuals acquire better things, and the mean standards of living for humanity keep going up.

This keeps happening because people find out what’s needed in the world and figure out how to meet those needs.

Better yet, more people are helping with more things than ever before, including you. When disaster strikes, it is awe-inspiring to see all the caring people diving in to help the victims. With advancing technology, there are multitudes of ways we can, and do, help other people who need it.

Unfortunately, many bad things are still happening, and too many bad people are running amok in our world. Frequently the news and the gossips keep us focused way too much on the bad. It messes with our mental focus and our attitudes. But, unfortunately, bad things have been happening all through human history and are still happening today.

On top of that, in your own life, you have bad things happen to you. Bad things can make life hard. It can be harder for some people more than others. It’s unfair, but everybody has hard times.

But on the upside, throughout humankind’s history and right now, people see all these problems and take it upon themselves to fix them. That’s what people do. They find problems and fix them. That’s what you do too. You fix problems; constantly.

We are a world of problem solvers continually making the world a better place for ourselves and others by changing conditions for the better. It’s what we do. And collectively, we have made the world better than it’s ever been before, and we will keep doing so!

The Power of THOT helps anyone think better. 

THOT hacks away at THOUGHT’s complexity; carving it down to its bare bones, simplifying how we think.

THOT is the core of THOT-WARE helping you F.A.C.E. and fix your problems.

Keep reading to learn the simple, but powerful nuggets of THOT and how useful it is.

THOT works. So, chuck the “ugh” and think THOTs.  (But if you still prefer “ugh,” say it silently everywhere you see THOT.)






















I didn’t go away.

 Click on Ned’s RANT and see how he goes BLAH BLAH BLAH

The 5 Core THOT Nuggets


Nugget 1Every THOT you think is about a THING.

Can you think of any THOT (or thought if you’re still a holdout) that is not about a THING? You cannot because everything is a THING. 

  • Things you see, hear, smell, taste, and touch; are real, tangible THINGs.
  • Things you never see, hear, smell, taste, or touch, but only know about from books, T.V., what others have told you, or you’ve seen in pictures are also THINGs.
  • Your wishes, ideas, dreams, and feelings are THINGs.
  • All your THOTs about things are THINGs.
  • Every Thing is a THING. (Profound. Remember?)
  • And, you have a THOT for every one of them.

Tangible THINGs make up your real-world; intangible THINGs fill up the rest. And you have a THOT for each one.

You store every THOT in your memory, which means everything you ever encounter gets stored. Recalling your memories can range from easy to very difficult. The more recent and robust THOTs are easier to come back to mind.

What a profound proclamation:

Every-thing is a THING!

Nugget 2THINGs can be real, or not real (only imagined)

Real THINGs exist in the world, with or without your THOTs.

Your THOT of THINGs can actually be of real things, or be of only imagined things. They can be of something real or something you only imagine. 

Either way, if you believe a thing is real, real or not, it is still real to you.

Like when you are awakened from a deep sleep hearing a noise, and you think must be a burglar in your house. You get scared. But it turns out to be the cat. Or, like when you catch your friends talking behind your back, you know it’s a conspiracy against you. You’re hurt. But it turns out to be your surprise birthday party. Imagined or not, your negative THOTs of the event were completely real to you, complete with the feelings that went with them. (Of course, the burglar could have been there, or now everybody does hate you, but you felt the impending doom imagined or not.)

Your reality is what you believe it to be. Which leads to-


Ned’s friend’s are imaginary.

Nugget 3– Your Reality is the totality of all your THOTs.

This idea might be hard to grasp. Even though the universe itself is real, your experience and understanding of “all THINGS,” are all in your head. The world is tangible, made up of actual THINGs. But your comprehension of it is nothing but your THOTs! Your connection to it and memories of it are only your THOTs.

Your universe = Your THOTs

Another way to say this is, “Your reality is not my reality.” We each have our own universe. It’s the one we live in.

And it’s only in our heads.

You ARE the center of your own universe.

Nugget 4– Your THOTs about a THING can be wrong.

Some THINGs you swear to be real and genuine, just might not be!

You have seen, heard, and touched THINGs yourself. Reliable authorities have told you many THINGs your whole life, and you know they are correct. You are sure the THINGs you know are right.

  • How could you have lived so long if the ideas in your head weren’t right?
  • Other people think the same Things, don’t they?
  • And by golly, your mama told you so!

Yet your THOTS could still be wrong, no matter how convinced you are otherwise.

  • You may have misunderstood the actual circumstances.
  • You could have been lied to or mistakenly misled.
  • A magician or a crook may have fooled you.
  • Your society could have taught you really bad ideas.
  • Times and things can change without your notice.
  • Plus, many more reasons.

For instance-

Throughout times past, science has overturned all kinds of solid THOTs about our world. The earth is no longer the center of the universe, nor is it flat. Social justice concepts continue to change long-standing beliefs about human relations. You may have even given up your certainty in Santa Clause.

Wrong THOTs are imagined THINGs you have accepted as real… you THOT you learned something right and true, but it was not. Even now, THINGs you swear are right today may prove wrong tomorrow, either on a grand scale or for small items that matter only to you.

Most of everything you believe IS probably right. But your “wrong THOTs” can prove to be part of a PROBLEM that plagues you. 

So you must be willing to examine what you believe is true if you really want to  solve your problems. You will need to verify your related beliefs are as right as they can be.

To change a belief, you are changing your tightly held THOTs about how your universe works.

To change a tightly held idea is not easy and comes with a certain amount of pain and loss of self. But, there can also be a burst of joy from the revelation of a new found truth that changes your life.

Be willing to examine and change your THOTs!

Two wrongs don’t make a right!

But three lefts do.

Nugget 5– Imagined THINGs can become real!

This is the real and greatest Power of THOT and, in return, what makes our world wonderful.

All art, music, books, inventions, and every other human-made thing was a THOT in someone’s imagination before it became real.

Something you wanted and ended up getting is an imagined THOT becoming real. It’s every problem you solve. It’s getting the THINGs you want. This can be your paradise; forming reality from only your THOTs.

It happens to your whole life too; to the person you are. It’s the “self-fulfilling prophecy,” which says, “you become what you think about.” The image you have of yourself is what you become. You become what you think about most of the time. This power can work for you or against you, for good or for bad.

Take the effort to Want the right THINGs for you!

Sometimes the future “you” are the results you want to happen. Sometimes, you miss a turn, and the “you” you wanted is not the “you” you got (at least the parts you don’t like.) But keep working to fix the THINGs you want, to make your life better.

F.A.C.E. your problems to get the results you want.

You know you often experience imagined THINGs as if they were real. You can cause yourself intense “action stopping” fear from only thinking about imagined scary THINGs. Don’t dwell on THOTs that immobilize you and make you feel bad.

Imagine THOTs that make you feel good, then turn them into reality. And let THOT-WARE help.

Next, read about  the Power of Feelings on the next MENU tab.

The Self-fulfilling prophecy is not what you “wish” for. It’s the THOTs that dominate your mind that tend to come true. Don’t dwell on THINGs you don’t want!

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